Vocab collection 1 - pg. 1 ~ 17
I'm once again trying to go through 김연경의 《고양이의 이중생활》, and in an attempt not to let all this neat 문학적인 vocab slip out of my mind, I'll be marking new words down and organizing them here. I just have words and English translations visible, but you can hover to see example sentences from the book! Corrections are welcome, I suck at translating.
- 온 방 안에 화약 냄새가 진동했다. - The smell of gunpowder emanated from the room.
– gunpower
- 방 한구석으로 가서 혀를 날름거리며 살짝 그을린 털을 청소하기 시작했다. - He went to one corner of the room and began licking, cleaning his slightly scorched fur.
– to lick lick lick
- 방 한구석으로 가서 혀를 날름거리며 살짝 그을린 털을 청소하기 시작했다. - He went to one corner of the room and began licking, cleaning his slightly scorched fur.
– to be scorched, burned, sunburned
- 보라색 쑥부쟁이 위에 다소곳이 않아 있는 노린재의 사진이 보였다. - A photo of a stinkbug sitting modestly atop a purple aster could be seen. - 다소곳이 머리를 숙이다 - to lower your head modestly.
– modestly
- 민우는 새까맣게 그을려 버린 꽁치 통조림 깡통과 몇몇 소품들의 찌꺼기를 치웠다. - Minwoo cleared away the remnants of the darkly scorched saury cans and other small items.
– remnants, leftovers, waste
- 상자 안의 폭죽 두 개가 불발탄이었다. - Two of the firecrackers in the box were duds.
– firecracker
- 칸트도 털 청소를 끝내고 의자에 조용히 않아 사태를 관망했다. - Kant finished cleaning his fur and returned to observing the scene atop a chair.
– to wait and see, observe
- 동공이 커다래지면서 눈알이 더 동그래졌다 - His pupils grew larger and his eyes became round.
– pupil
- 동공이 커다래지면서 눈알이 더 동그래졌다 - His pupils grew larger and his eyes became round.
– eyeball
- 하지만 칸트에게 돌아가는 것은 늘 고양이용 사료뿐이었다. - But for Kant, all he ever got was cat food.
– animal feed
- 칸트는 생선 냄새를 그리워하면서 깡통들 주위를 맴돌았다. - Kant, missing the smell of fish, hovered around the cleaned cans.
– to hover, linger around
- 운 좋게 깡통 하나가 떨어지면 상당히 오랫동안 그 속에 코를 박고서 꽁치의 흔적을 음미하곤 했다. - If he was lucky, one can would fall, and he would spend hours sticking his nose in and savoring those last traces of fishy smell.
– to stick in, thrust in
- 운 좋게 깡통 하나가 떨어지면 상당히 오랫동안 그 속에 코를 박고서 꽁치의 흔적을 음미하곤 했다. - If he was lucky, one can would fall, and he would spend hours sticking his nose in and savoring those last traces of fishy smell.
– traces
- 운 좋게 깡통 하나가 떨어지면 상당히 오랫동안 그 속에 코를 박고서 꽁치의 흔적을 음미하곤 했다. - If he was lucky, one can would fall, and he would spend hours sticking his nose in and savoring those last traces of fishy smell.
– to savor
- 차곡차곡 쌓인 꽁치 통조림 깡통 - neatly stacked saury cans
– stacked neatly
- 구태여 그럴 필요까지는 없었지만, 무의식적인 반응이었다. - There was not need to do it on purpose, as it had become an unconscious response at this point.
– purposely, on purpose
숨을 가다듬다
- 민우는 숨을 가다듬은 뒤 입을 열었다. “여보세요.” - Minwoo took a deep breath and opened his mouth. “Hello?”
– catch one’s breath, brace oneself by breathing
- 낭랑하고 어린 목소리에는 전혀 걸맞지 않는 딱딱하고 사무적이고 또한 권위적인 말투였다. - Underneath that clear and childlike voice, a quality of hardness and businesslike authoritativeness could be heard.
– sonorous, silvery, incandescent, clear
- 낭랑하고 어린 목소리에는 전혀 걸맞지 않는 딱딱하고 사무적이고 또한 권위적인 말투였다. - Underneath that clear and childlike voice, a quality of hardness and businesslike authoritativeness could be heard.
– authoritative, overbearing
- 가쁜 숨을 몰아쉬는 듯도 했다. - It was almost as if she was catching her breath.
– out of breath
- 가쁜 숨을 몰아쉬는 듯도 했다. - It was almost as if she was catching her breath.
– to gasp, pant
- 상대방은 이번에도 매몰찼다. - Her response was once again harsh.
– harsh, coldhearted, heartless
- “일곱 살밖에 안된 계집애란 말이야. 이런 꼬맹이한테 놀아나다니 웃기지도 않는다, 정말.” - “We’re talking about a girl no older than seven, here. Being played around with by a little brat, this isn’t even funny anymore.”
– little girl
- “일곱 살밖에 안된 계집애란 말이야. 이런 꼬맹이한테 놀아나다니 웃기지도 않는다, 정말.” - “We’re talking about a girl no older than seven, here. Being played around with by a little brat, this isn’t even funny anymore.”
– brat, rascal
시행착오를 거듭하다
- 그것을 조립하고 각종 화학 약품들을 뒤섞어 시행착오를 거듭하는 것이 민우의 하루 일과였다. - Minwoo’s daily routine consisted of arranging parts and adding in chemicals in constant trial and error.
– repeat trial and error
- 이런 자신감이 들자 갑자기 어깨와 무릎이 저려 왔다. - With this sudden rush of confidence, his shoulders and knees began to tingle.
– to have pins and needles, go numb
- 형광등 불빛 때문에 녀석의 동공이 점점 작아져서 이제는 파충류의 눈처럼 섬뜩한 모양새가 됐다. - The glow of the florescent lamps made his pupils contract, giving his eyes the eerie look of a reptile’s.
– reptile
- 언뜻 보면 게슴츠레하지만 녀석은 동공이 작아질 때 사물의 깊은 곳을 더 잘 보는 것 같았다. - At first glance he looked drowsy, but when his pupils contracted, it was like he was staring more deeply into the things around him.
– drowsy, heavy-eyed, bleary
- 하지만 민우는 한 번도 그의 얼굴을 보지 못했으며 육성을 들은 적도 없었다. - However, Minwoo had never even seen this man, nor heard his voice.
– voice
- 그 볼에 약간 얽은 듯도 싶고 그냥 점인 듯도 싶은 깨알들이 박혀 있었다. - Her face was marred with little spots, either little pockmarks or just small moles.
– pockmarked, pitted
- …지나치게 크고 동그란 눈, 특히 흰자위를 거의 압도해 버린 커다란 홍채와 동공… - …overly large eyes, with a pupil and iris that nearly overwhelmed the whites…
– white of the eye, sclera
- …지나치게 크고 동그란 눈, 특히 흰자위를 거의 압도해 버린 커다란 홍채와 동공… - …overly large eyes, with a pupil and iris that nearly overwhelmed the whites…
– iris
- 하지만 민우는 딸기가 입을 뗀 순간부터 줄곧 기시감 때문에 혼란스러웠다. - But from the moment SB opened her mouth, Minwoo was dogged by a sense of déjà vu.
– déjà vu
고분고분 복종하다
- 딸기의 명령에 고분고분 복종하게 된 것도 딸기로 인해 환기된 기억 탓이었다. - And if he obediently submitted to SB’s demands, it was because of the memories her presence ignited.
– obediently submit
- 엄마는 고개를 갸웃했다. - His mom tilted her head.
– tilt to the side, slant
- 포악한 여름이 끝나고 정녕 가을이 오긴 오려는지, 저녁 바람이 선선했다. - Perhaps because the harsh summer was finally waning and the fall was rolling in, the night air was brisk.
– harsh, hot, cruel
화색이 돌다
- 엄마의 얼굴에는 괜히 화색이 돌았다. - His mother’s face had a glowing complexion.
– look rosy, have a healthy glow
인상을 쓰다
- 아버지는 칸트를 한 번 쳐다보고는 인상을 썼다. - His father took one look at Kant and frowned.
– frown
- 그래도 엄마는 통조림 코너 앞에서 미적대면서 꽁치 통조림에 손을 댔다가 뗐다가 했다. -Still, his mother dawdled around the canned food aisle, reaching up to touch a can of saury.
– to dawdle, hang around
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