Who, me? 
Ah, shit. You found my about page. Hope you don't know me in real life, or this is about to get embarrassing.
Anyway, hey, I'm Shannon, she/her and all that. I'm the webmaster of this site, which I built with my own blood and tears, so you better appreciate it and find all the secret links. I speak English and Korean, and am perpetually trying and failing to learn Russian and Kazakh. Also, I built this site on a 1366 x 768 screen before I knew any better, so all you bougie bastards with big screens might have to zoom in to ~125% for easy reading throughout. thx!!!
I made this website after being greatly inspired by Kill The Internet and CJ the X, love that bitch. I've never really used social media, except for a long lost art Instagram, and I've always despised how little you can customize most note-taking sites like Notion 🖕. Combine that with an entire month off of school in February 2024, and this site was born. I came in knowing absolute zilch about html and site design, so excuse the cobbled-together nature of this site. I did my best.
As a reward for scrolling this far, here's a little insite into me, you CREEP:
☠︎︎ I'm 22.
☠︎︎ I've been known to live in Hawaiʻi.
☠︎︎ I clearly like Daft Punk too much.
☠︎︎ I don't dot my i's when I write.