Procedures and Rules [2]

You should check out my mixtapes man they're actually really sick I swear.
Procedures and Rules [2]
Your tester is likely going to ask you to describe the procedure, rules, or method behind your favorite sport, hobby, activity etc. They may ask you how to play volleyball, or how you signed up for a phone plan in Korea. This question usually comes in the form of 절차 (process), 취미 (hobby), or 요리법 (recipe).
Use the buttons below to navigate between these three topics! ↓↓↓
나올 수 있는 질문
◉ 야구 구칙에 대해서 설명해 주시겠어요?
◉ 아주 하는 게임을 하는 방법 좀 알려 주실래요?
◉ 스트레스를 풀기 위해 뜨개질을 자주 한다고 했는데, 혹시 뜨개질을 하는 방법을 간단히 설명해 주실 수 있나요?
![]() 준비 사항 → 절차 설명 (2~3단계) → 주의 사항 및 팁 → ★-(으)려면 -를 준비해야 하다 ★-았/었다면 우선 Download Anki deck here Your tester is very likely to ask you about your hobbies, so you should strategically plan what you will and wont bring up. Choose a few hobbies and memorize 15~20 vocabulary words related to them, and DO NOT mention any hobbies that you aren't able to confidently explain in Korean. Be sure to have a clear intro, body, and conclusion section to this answer. |
뜨개질을 하려면 도안, 뜨개바늘, 실, 그리고 가위를 준비해야 해요. |
All materials included in Operation OPI were created by
Professor LEE Sun-min and Professor YANG Hye-yoon
of Korea University.