You should check out my mixtapes man they're actually really sick I swear.


1. 자기 소개

Self Introductions

To kick off your OPI, your tester will begin with the most simple of tasks; they'll ask you things about yourself, such as your name, where you're from, what college you go to/what your major is, etc. They might also just ask you vaguely for a "자기 소개," which should include the above information. This answer should be brief and truthful, as they may bring up topics you introduce now in later sections (such as asking more about your family, more about your major, etc.)

나올 수 있는 질문:

◉ 전공이 어떻게 되세요?
◉ 원래 고향은 어디예요?
◉ 가족들은 어디에 있어요?
◉ 앞으로 진로 계획은 어떻게 돼요?
◉ 여가 시간에 어떤 취미를 즐기세요?

말하기 구조 (Your answer can follow this format):

첫 인사 → 신상정보 → 학업 상태(현재 입학한 학교 및 전공) →
현재 상태(ㅇㅇ대학교에서의 신분, 공부할 기간, 거주지) → 끝 인사

알 만한 어휘 (These words can be used in your answer):

Download Anki deck here

꿀팁 (Some tips and tricks for this section!):

Keep this section short and sweet. You don't need to bring up hobbies/future plans unless they ask for them, but if they do, you can use these moments to strategically plant topics that you are confident in talking about. For example, if they ask what hobbies you do, and you know you can talk comfortably about how to bake a cake in Korean, then you should say your hobby is baking! But even if you love to play baseball, if you can't confidently describes its rules in Korean, you should NOT bring it up, as choppy, unprepared answers in the future will definitely hurt your final score.

예시 (Example answer):

한국어를 전공하고 있어요, 한국어 전공인데 경제학도 복수 전공하고 있어요. 보스톤 출신인데 하와이 대학교에 입학한 후에 하와이에서 살고 있어요. 부모님은 하와이에 계시고 언니랑 오빠는 독립해서 미국 본토에 거주하고 있어요. 앞으로 전공을 살릴 수 있는 직업을 공공기관에서 하고 싶은 생각이 있어요.

All materials included in Operation OPI were created by
Professor LEE Sun-min and Professor YANG Hye-yoon
of Korea University.

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