Current Events [1]

You should check out my mixtapes man they're actually really sick I swear.
Current Events [1]
To escape intermediate and reach advanced/superior, you must be able to talk about a wide variety of social problems and current events both in Korea and globally. They are testing your ability to speak abstractly, analyze problems, and present opinions/ solutions. There are many ways to answer this question, like 요약 (summary), 주장 강화 (argument), and 사회에 미칠 영향 (influence on society).
Use the buttons below to navigate between these three techniques! ↓↓↓
나올 수 있는 주제
◉ 외모지상주의 ◉ 저출산 ◉의대 증원 ◉학구역-사교육 ◉분리수거 ◉비혼 현상 ◉다문화 사회 ◉인공지능 ◉마약 오남용 ◉북한 대남 행보
◉ 기후 위기 ◉미국의 비만 문제 ◉미국의 총기 문제 ◉대선
![]() 기사 주제 소개 → 핵심 현황 제시 → 주요 원인 → 사건에 대한 전망/ ★제가 본 기사는 -와 관련한 내용의 뉴스였다 ★뉴스/기사에 따르면 Download Anki deck here This is one of the most difficult sections in the test, so congrats if you get this far! The purpose of this section is to test your ability to think beyond yourself into the abstract social realms, utilize statistics and evidence, support opinions, and present solutions. Choosing a few articles beforehand and learning the vocabulary behind them will be very helpful. Also, keeping up with big worldwide news events (and especially in Korea's case, things related to North Korea), because they may be brought up by your tester. Finally, choosing a few topics related to your major/interests (e.g. if you're an economics major, talking about the state of trade between Korea and the US and China) would be helpful. |
제가 본 뉴스/기사는 서울의 출산율과 관련한 내용의 기사였는데요. 제가 읽은 뉴스는 미국의 총기 소지 규제와 관련된 논란을 보여주는 내용의 뉴스였거든요. |
All materials included in Operation OPI were created by
Professor LEE Sun-min and Professor YANG Hye-yoon
of Korea University.